
Uploaded: April 20, 2019 16:04:24 | Entered: April 20, 2019 16:06:34


Looking up at my son playing on a net bridge.
For the PG 101 "Shoot Straight Up" theme.


Bob Cournoyer level-classic April 20, 2019

Great job, and ya got the whole cute face in there... :-)
Happy Theme Day #1724256

Melinda F. Schneider level-classic April 20, 2019

Creative and adorable! #11762323

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic April 20, 2019

Unusual and well done! #11762338

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict April 21, 2019

Cool perspective and centering of the subject, Michelle... #11762349

Mitch Spence level-classic April 21, 2019

Ha! Made me smile, you and he did. That looks like a tough thing to walk across. I think I'll leave it to the young'uns. #11762351

Michele Peterson level-classic April 21, 2019

Thank you everyone! #11762359

Martha R. Mazon level-classic April 21, 2019

Great choice for the theme, Michele! Wonderful! #11762378

Candice C. Calhoun level-deluxe April 21, 2019

A very sweet photo, excellent for the theme!

ccc #11762400

Michele Peterson level-classic April 21, 2019

Thanks, Candice and Martha! #11762429

Terry A. Stoa May 20, 2019

Clever and well-done composition. My favorite of your April 2019 entries. #11767507

Michele Peterson level-classic May 25, 2019

Thanks, Terry! #11768831

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