Starry Night

Uploaded: January 30, 2012 03:21:55


f/9, 1/125sec., ISO-200, 52mm focal length, 18-200mm lens, PS

~Really busy today but will get caught up on my commenting later. Thanks for commenting~


Dr Silly level-classic January 30, 2012

Beautiful photo. :O)

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe January 30, 2012

Did you lighten this since my last comment? Whatever you did its even more beautiful. Great DD work. #9954991

Robert R. Goodman January 30, 2012

Hi RJ,That is a very beautiful starry night image my friend.Stunning treatment!!! #9955005

Michelle Alton January 30, 2012

Absolutely wonderful night time capture. Gorgeous. #9955010

Marilyn Cornwell January 30, 2012

So wonderful! #9955035

Gary Enloe January 30, 2012

Beautiful capture R. J. Love the effects #9955085

Alan L. Borror January 30, 2012

Wonderful, RJ! Great effects and a stunning image. #9955143

Bill Currier level-deluxe January 30, 2012

I really like this Becky. Wonderful feel, enchanting. I'm sure we will see this one again. #9955169

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe January 30, 2012

Beautiful image Becky! #9955171

Claudia Kuhn level-classic January 30, 2012

Great barn, beautiful work! #9955287

Linda M. Walker January 30, 2012

Awesome work! #9955383

Lynn M. Whitt January 30, 2012

Gorgeous image, I love it... #9955475

Bill Johnson January 30, 2012

Becky, Stunning image and the clouds add so much. #9955484

Gail Vitikacs level-classic January 30, 2012

Gorgeous on many levels! #9956369

Michael G. Marshall January 30, 2012

Wonderful image and treatment, RJ! Beautiful! #9956568

Ellen Hodges January 30, 2012

Looks sooooo pretty, Becky!!! #9956591

Mary Timman January 30, 2012

Oh love the tones, the clouds, the sky, lighting. mooon...just love it all! #9956601

Cathy Kovarik level-classic January 30, 2012

Fabulous! I love it. #9956686

Douglas Pignet January 31, 2012

nice capture and post work #9956928

Terry Cervi level-deluxe January 31, 2012

Beautiful DD work, Doris!! Very pretty! #9957928

Rona L. Schwarz February 02, 2012

Superb DD work, Becky - has a magical quality to it! #9962276

Phyllis H. Burchett February 03, 2012

Beautiful DD work!!! #9963306

Bojan Bencic level-classic February 04, 2012

Love this one, R.J. Fantastic DD work. #9965176

Kim Andelkovic February 07, 2012

Very creative image Becky love it. :-) #9970564

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