BetterPhoto Q&A: Film-Based Camera Equipment

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  782 Questions
Last Activity
  difference in the Sigma 105 and 24 or 50mm lens
Can some tell me the real difference in between a sigma 105 mm and another lens of sigma that is 50 mm or 24mm. is there a practical significance to it. which one is better. I have no clue to this....
April 28, 2005
  sigma 105 mm 2.8 EX macro lens
hi therein my last discussion about closeup photography I had asked what kind of camera lens should I buy. now since I am reading about it I have a Q which will sound like coming from a dummy, whic...
May 01, 2005
  sigma 105 mm 2.8 EX macro lens
hi therein my last discussion about closeup photography I had asked what kind of camera lens should I buy. now since I am reading about it I have a Q which will sound like coming from a dummy, whic...
April 27, 2005
  UV, ND 4 or 8 ?, stacking 2 filters
ND 4 or ND 8 ; uv filter on ? I am getting Kenko 2.5x telephoto lens(67mm) for my 43 mm ( Panasonic GV 400 video camera)1) Since I am getting a Kenko ND 4/ND 8 and a circular polarizer a) I presume...
April 26, 2005
  What is a good camera for shooting western game?
Hello, I'm really wanting to buy a camera in the next few weeks. I live in high desert country and love to take pictures of Mule deer, elk, etc. I've been using my mothers camera for a lo...
April 30, 2005
  Mechanical or SLR ?
I've only ever learned photography with an SLR. (which was given to me by my uncle without the manual) As much as I still love the camera, I feel it's time for an upgrade. I basically am lo...
July 18, 2006
  buying a second hand N70
Hi, I'm a novice photographer who is moving from P&S to SLR and was considering a nikon N70 from a friend of mine.I would like your opinions on the camera. The only thing I could find out from ...
April 28, 2005
  Which used camera to keep
I have just acquired a Nikon F90 and an 8008s, and can only keep one, but am not sure which. This is my first SLR, though I have been using digital cameras for awhile... in other words, I do not y...
April 19, 2005
  Sigma 105 macro lens compatiblility with canon
I have canon rebel 2000 SLR camera. I want to purchase a Macro lens. Is Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX Macro 1:1 Lenscompatible with canon rebel 2000 SLR ? Will it fit my camera and how is the image quality? ...
April 24, 2005
  difference between wide angle and macro lens
can somebody explain me the difference between a wide angle and a macro lens.appreciate itthanks manish...
April 15, 2005
  lens selection
hi karmai actually want to be a serious amateur. I actually like doing close ups and especially want to learn taking stunning pictures of close ups (especially nature) like people post on this webs...
April 15, 2005
  lens kit
hi Guyscould someone help on this. there is an availability of sigma lens kit for $249.00. Below is the description that the seller mentions about the lenses. since I am a rookie please help me und...
April 15, 2005
  type of lens
hii am a newbie in SLR photography. I want to purchse a second lens. what do you guys suggest as a second lens; a wide angle, macro or a telephoto lens. currently I am using a 28-80mm canon EF lens...
May 02, 2005
  How to assess a lens before buying
Hello!I'm an amateur photographer with liking for nature & wildlife. I use a Nikon FG (vintage stuff) and would like to buy a 300 mm tele-lens. A shop (in my hometown Bangalore, India) is o...
December 27, 2005
  old film canisters
Ok, my brother-in-law bought a bunch of photography stuff at an estate sale. The most interesting thing is a bunch of metal film canisters and some that look like small filter holders. They are bri...
April 14, 2005
  Thoughts for new lens
Hello,I am an advanced ameture, I have sold a few stock photos so far. I use a Nikon N80 with a 28-200 at the moment. I have a one time opportunity to buy any new lens that I want. I have been l...
April 14, 2005
  what kind of lens to purchase
hii have a standard 50mm lens on a canon Eos rebel. I would like to purchase a canon zoom lens. my budget is $200. which is the best choice keeping in mind a decent output and its price. I wish to ...
April 19, 2005
  Macro Photography: What's Needed to Get Close
I have the Canon Elan 7e, and 2 lenses that have macro settings, yet I can never seem to get close enough! Is there a better lens I could buy that would let me get closer? Thank you....
April 13, 2005
  Lighting Equipment
I have a Nikon 65 and need to buy lighting for studio - I use the hotshoe flash (I'm a beginner) but I can't turn my camera this way. What kind of lighting equipment do I need? What does ...
April 28, 2005
  Looking for a Fisheye for Canon
I have canon EOS cameras and I'm looking at the Canon 15mm Fisheye but it's pretty pricey. I was wondering if anyone had any info on the sigma 15mm fisheye?Thanks!Jen...
April 08, 2005