BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

trouble with sending e-mail photos on aol

It seems that I am saving images as a file (jpg.or tiff.)and clicking attachment. It seems to have no problem when it comes to sending them, but other people claim that their not getting any pictures. What's wrong? Is it my internet provider or is it me?

Thank You.


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October 26, 2002


doug Nelson
  If the attachment is showing up in your Sent file, it's making it to your send function all right.
JPEG is the format you should be using, because it compresses the file while leaving image integrity and color intact(if it's done right). A JPEG shouldn't be over about 200 kilobytes, and that's for a really big one compressed only a little. Maybe aol rejects attachments that are too big, or big groups of attachments. Size the image as Jim suggests on this site, or use the guidelines on my site. THEN save as a JPEG and compress using no less than about a 7.

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October 29, 2002


Damian P. Gadal
  Common problem with AOL - Good luck getting ride of them... They also regulate your content, you just might not be aware of it...


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November 01, 2002

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