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Photography Question 
- Lynne Hough

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Lynne Hough's Gallery

Saving my own larger images to my own computer

I uploaded almost a thousand pictures here over the past 12 years or so. A couple of years ago, my computer was destroyed and the only good copies I have of my own work are located here. Even in my own management pages for my photos, I am unable to right-click the large images to save them back to my laptop.

Can BP advise if there is any way for me to access the large versions of my photos so I can copy them to my computer without the copyright prompt stopping me?

Thank you!

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October 27, 2018

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  For websites there is an image protection option on the admin page that you can turn off and on.
It will only allow to save the image in the size that it's displayed on the screen.
If you uploaded a bigger sized file and are wanting to recover that, I don't think that is something BP can do for you.
For regular galleries, I don't know if there is an option to turn off image protection. If there isn't, screen capture may be your only option if there isn't a recovery program that you can run on your computer.

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November 02, 2018 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Hi Lynne; to follow up on Gregory's post -- I do not believe BP "keeps" your large-size uploaded file anywhere. They only hold onto it, as far as I understand it, just long enough to create a scaled-down (display-size) version, that is then saved to their servers.
You could try writing to Jim just in case this is wrong -- but I would imagine Jim would have to maintain sheer mountains of storage space if he was in fact saving people's "big file" uploads -- which are never displayed at BP -- vs. creating and retaining just the display/small-sized image, which would (over 20 years of BP file uploads by thousands of members) require vastly less storage space...

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November 09, 2018

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