BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 
- Elizabeth T-D Komins

BetterPhoto Member
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My Betterpholio display

I haven't been on this site, until very recently, in way over a year.

When I click on my Betterfolio, what comes up is a page of all my displayed photos, in almost miniature size.

I use to click that link and the photos were a nice viewing size.
I could view a self timed slideshow by clicking an arrow, either on the screen or on my laptop keyboard.

I can't seem to do that now and the website doesn't seem as user friendly.

How to have my photos display larger (individually) in a series that people can browse through?



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June 08, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Elizabeth, there have been several forum threads about this. Right now, I'm not aware of an easy way to do what you want. BP has gone to a new style, with mixed response from BP members.

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June 09, 2016

- Elizabeth T-D Komins

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Elizabeth T-D Komins
Elizabeth T-D Komins's Gallery
  Thank you for responding.

I have to tell you I am really disappointed by the changes and very frustrated! I use to love this website, especially because of the way my photos were displayed.

Now I'm finding the site not user friendly. I end up in loops just trying to find my all of my photos in one place. At the moment, I can't even find the 20 plus photos I uploaded last night.

I may have to go back to using Viewbug and Facebook.

I'm very sad about this. As my husband and I often say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

I think BP needs to find a better website developer.


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June 09, 2016

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