BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 
- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery

Uploader question

When I tried a few minutes ago to upload an image, I got a pop-up box that listed the BetterPhoto website and indicated an application: Uploader 8, Publisher: Aurigma 8 wanted to take control of my JAVA uploader, and had an "allow" box and "do not allow" box. After the recent attacks on BetterPhoto, I was afraid to check the "allow" box and continue with my upload.
Is this something new that I should allow, or does this sound like another kind of attack on BetterPhoto?
Thanks for any info....

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September 26, 2015


Ellen Hodges
  Hi Teresa, Just loaded a few with no problem. So hopefully, should be okay.

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September 26, 2015

- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery
  Thank you Kitty! I tried again and got the same pop-up box, so I did upload with the alternate loader, and didn't have any trouble.

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September 26, 2015

- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery
  OOPS....that would be.....thank you Ellen!!

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September 26, 2015


Cindy Koller
  I've always gotten that message since I started at the beginning of this year. I'm a mac user and I've always assumed this is somehow part of the way the upload works. For what it's worth, it's never caused me any issues.

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September 27, 2015

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