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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Jeremy D. West

Question on muted colors when attaching photos

I asked this question earlier, but did not get a solution. Here's my problem...when I attach a photo to an email, and then send it via Google or Yahoo, the thumbnail retains all the bright colors. However, when I then view it or download it, the colors are now a bit off, and considerable muted.

When sending these photos to, however, everything is fine. Other programs like MyFamily, however, have the same problem described above.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is.....this just seemed to happen entirely out of the blue.

Thanks for all of your help...Jerry

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February 01, 2011


Kevin Kopchynski

This sounds like a color space problem. What solutions were suggested earlier?
If it suddenly started to be a problem perhaps a setting related to color management accidentally got changed in your processing?


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February 14, 2011


Jeremy D. West
  Thanks for responding Kevin. Turns out I needed to set the color profile to sGRP, which inadvertently had gotten changed........Jerry

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February 14, 2011


Kevin Kopchynski
  Yup -that would have been it (well, sRGB perhaps?)

Glad you got it done.

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February 14, 2011

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