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Photography Question 

Gina Cormier

MAC or PC 32bit or 64bit

I am curious as to what people prefer in a computer and processing? Do people have a MAC or PC? Do you have 32 bit or 64? Do you have a dedicated computer for your photography or not?

I think I am out-growing my computer and wanted some imput.
:-) Thanks.

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November 18, 2009


R K Stephenson
  This could become a very interesting discussion. =^0

I have both PC and MAC. I use the PC most of the time because of the $$ invested in software. Photoshop and Lightroom2 work very well on my 64-bit PC.

I also have Lightroom3 beta on an iMac. It works quite well there, too. It is 32-bit and modest RAM but still fairly quick.

Preference? I am working toward a dedicated system for photography, probably when I upgrade to the release version of LR3. It will be a MAC, assuming I can transfer the platform for most of my software licenses.

But ...

I'm not convinced that one is seriously better than the other. Yeah, Windows can be a pain, but MACs are comparatively more expensive.

Whichever you choose, get a good monitor.

Just my 2-bits.



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November 18, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Gina,
Both my 24" IMAC & 15.4" Macbook Pro are Duo-core Intel machines (2.4 & 2.1 GHZ processors) - 64bit with 4 GB RAM on each machine. I would love to get the new 27" Quad-Core IMAC but my current IMAC works so well that I dont have any real need to upgrade and may not for a few years to come.
My IMAC doesn't have a lot of extra programs loaded on it because I use it primarily for my photography. My Macbook Pro has a few more programs & Apps loaded as I use this for travel & fun and as a temporary storage/upload device (w/LaCie & Iomega Firewire External portable hard drives) for my photography & travels on the road.
On my trip to Europe in 2008, I only took a 500GB Lacie Rugged drive & some blank DVDs because I knew there were 11 other photographers joining me for the trip, so I just borrowed their MACs to download my photos from my CF cards onto my hard drive & burn a copy of the raw files to DVDs. I didn't care about emails or phone calls while on this trip so I purposely turned myself OFF to outside electronic devices :) Just Photography & Beer :D

I was going to transfer my license for CS2 from PC to MAC but after downloading a trial version of CS3, I decided to just buy it outright and keep my CS2 PC version in case I ever needed it (which I probably never will). Most software companies are pretty good about switching software platforms for cheap or even free. Outside of CS3, I only use PhotoMatix (by HDRSoft) along with Topaz Adjust & Noise Ninja plug-in filters. I may get Lightroom if I start doing lots more weddings or have a need for faster post-processing but for now I am just fine with PS.

I just love my MACs. It was a constant PITA using PCs and I went through 3 laptops in 4 years with the last one dying and taking 800 photos with it - I had not backed them up yet when the the internal HD got fried. What an excruciating lesson that was.
I have no idea how it happened but I went to get yet another PC (a desktop this time) I just got a sick feeling in my stomach and told the salesman - Get me that 24" IMAC. I have been so happy ever since. I am also running everything with Firewire. I have 4 Iomega external Hard drives that are firewire/stackable/that provide additional firewire ports and I also have a Sandisk Firewire CF card reader which can download a 4GB card to 2 different drives at the same time in about 5 minutes.
I still have to work on PCs (combo Windows/UNIX boxes) at my day job and they are a daily reminder why I love my MACs so much :D
One more thing Gina, MACs last a long time, I have several friends that are using the same MacBook Pros and G4/G5 MACs they bought several years ago..
Have fun at the Apple Store,

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November 19, 2009

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