BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

William B. Warren

Basic Help


I'm new to Film photography (I've really only used digital), and am using an old family heirloom - an Aires 35-V 35mm camera. We don't have the manual, and wondering what the knobs are on the lens? How do I focus it exactly? When do I use high/low shutter speeds?

Basically, I'm a newbie, and just need basic starting info. I'm mainly interested in candid photography of friends/family, if that helps.


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January 21, 2009


Christopher A. Walrath

That's your manual. As to the hows and whys of photography in general I have a lot of info on my personal website at

There is also a lot at the magazine I co-edit, Creative Image Maker at

If you come up with any specific questions post them here. We'll do our best. Have fun.


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January 21, 2009


William B. Warren
  Thanks! Turns out, I was using the APA dial as the shutter speed adjustment (or thought I was controlling shutter speed).

Now, I just can NOT get it to focus! That's the one last thing I can't master... :(

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January 22, 2009

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