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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How do I set my camera for children in action?

Hi! I was wondering why my pictures come out blured when I try to capture a child in action? Am I not setting my camera right f.e. my focal point is on manual focus for I want to focus on the eyes. I tried setting it on automatic but didnt change the fact that its still blurry! how about my AF mode I set it on one shot!
I hope you can help me for I can really use it!
Thanx Rachel

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January 18, 2009


Jon Close
  One Shot locks focus and is not a good mode for an active subject moving toward/away from the camera. Try AI Servo instead, but even that works best with a subject moving at a constant rate (like a car or runner). Someone standing still when you first focus then jumping toward the camera when you shoot is going to be a problem for any AF system.

With respect to the motion blur in your subjects hands, that can only be solved with faster shutter speed. If you are using studio strobes this could be a problem as you may not be able to sync at a shutter speed higher than 1/125. The built-in flash of your XTi can sync at up to 1/200. An accessory speedlight compatible with FP High Speed Sync (like a Canon 430EX) will sync at any shutter speed up to the XTi's 1/4000.

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January 19, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Rachel,
Are you possibly Rachel Stern from Portland, Or ?

Jon is correct - you need to use a faster shutter speed.

If you are the Rachel I think you are, you will know who I am - Carlton

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January 19, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Rachel,
I just spoke to my friend Rachel Stern in Portland and you are not her - Welcome to Better Photo and have fun learning & practicing to take better photos.
Blessings, Carlton

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January 20, 2009

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