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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


Editing saved photos

A friend of my wifes wanted us to print some pictures onto transfers for him to place on a shirt. He saved the pictures as doc files in MS Word and I am unable to get them to load into either my PSE 6 or Digital Professional programs. Is there a way this can be done or do I just have to print them the way they are saved. I'm sure that is what he wants but I feel I could improve the pictures for him.

They are not pictures he took but must have copied from another site or scanned from a book.

Thank You,

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December 17, 2008


John P. Sandstedt
  Since you shouldn't be editing them, why load them into PSE or DPP? Print directly to the shirt with the correct setting in your printer.

I don't think it's the program, it's the printer driver that's key.

Print to a piece of papaer in normal fachion. If you get exactly what you want, with no cropping needed, you're in business.

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December 17, 2008


John P. Sandstedt
  Since you shouldn't be editing them, why load them into PSE or DPP? Print directly to the shirt with the correct setting in your printer.

I don't think it's the program, it's the printer driver that's key.

Print to a piece of papaer in normal fachion. If you get exactly what you want, with no cropping needed, you're in business.


You may need to print onto special transfer paper which, following directions, may require the "image to be printed backwards on Transfer Paper. Then, you iron on the image. Check out available Transfer Paper - it's available for my Canon i9900.

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December 17, 2008


  I may not edit them but was hoping as a favor to him to sharpen some of them and try to improve on the color in some. They are not photos he took but maybe rather pictures that he copied from somewhere. One is Johnny Cash sitting on a Cadillac with someone else. They are for a gift he is making for someone in his family and I was just hoping to help. Thanks though.

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December 17, 2008

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