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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


Photo Appearance Change on Other Computers.

On my computer, the photos are vivid. They have great body. When I email them, and then see on other computers, they are visually underexposed looking. I have to start editing all over again. When transferring back to my computer, those I edit on other computers are then overexposed. What setting(s) do I need to change on my computer, to have my photo images consistant with other computers? Its not just one other computer, but all other computers.

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November 30, 2008


John G. Clifford Jr
  This is a calibration issue. Either your computer monitor isn't correctly calibrated, or others' aren't.

'Calibration' means adjusting the monitor so that colors and brightness are accurately displayed.

Here's a link to an excellent article on the subject:

I have the Colorvision Spyder. It's inexpensive, easy to use and it works well. I've used it to calibrate my laptop as well as my desktops... and it makes a huge difference. It's nice to get a print made at the local photo shop and have it match what I see on my monitor.

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November 30, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Joyce - I will echo John suggestion about using color calibration (I use Spyder2 as well) although when I view my photos on my work computer, they do look flat. This is due to the work monitors and not my photos.

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December 01, 2008


  John and Carlton,
Thanks for the great direction.
John, I ck'd out the site you recommended. It was like a light beacon in the fog. Yes that is a must have, and what I need.
Carlton, I think you are right on too. The work computer is used for ariel mapping, and it is has a different visual need. Very different!
I should have asked a year ago, but better late than never.

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December 02, 2008

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