BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Christopher A. Walrath

New Issue of Creative Image Maker online NOW!

The new issue is online now for your to-be-checking-out.

Thank you
Chris W

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November 28, 2008


John G. Clifford Jr
  I'll ignore the fact that this is the second thread spamming for another website... because I did visit that website.

'Creative Image Maker' is really aimed at film photographers, and specifically the technical aspects of film photography, while this site is made up mostly of digital photographers. I don't see where there's a lot in common between the two.

Instead, I'd recommend, a superb website/periodical that specializes in the artistic aspects of photography. Brooks Jennings, the proprietor, is fantastic at presentation and the magazine is beautiful to look at. Another good site, that does go into the craft of digital photography, is

I can see why someone wants a film-focused photography website, but these two sites and BP certainly set the bar very high.

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November 29, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Sorry, John, if you think I'm spamming. I've been a member here for three yaers and made innumerable posts relating to film photography, most good, some probably not quite so. And notice I posted this in the, um, 'FILM PHOTOGRAPHY' section of the website so that anyone who is not interested in film photography doesn't have to put up with my harassment.

That said, go back to sleep all. The government says its safe.

Have a good day, all.

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December 02, 2008

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