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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What lense to buy

Is it true that it is best to buy lenses that are made by the same manufacturer as your camera - i.e. Nikon lenses for a Nikon slr? I have always heard to is what to get but then I look in photo mags and see that some of the pics are taken with off-brand (Sigma, Tokina) lenses. Does it make that big a difference?

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April 22, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I guess it all depends on what you are doing photographically. If you are a pro and make your money based upon the quality of your images and you ability to do the work without downtime due to equipment failure then I would say stick with the OEM lenses. If you don't have these concerns then the third party lenses should be fine. There are some good quality third party lenses out there. And some may rival the OEM lenses. But there are also some stinkers out there. You need to balance your desire for quality with your pocketbook. Buy the best quality you can afford.

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April 23, 2002


doug Nelson
  For autofocus, I'd be leery of anything NOT from my manufacturer, particularly Canon or any other lens with the micromotors for focusing contained in the lens.

As far as any hairsplitting about optical quality (and I've been as guilty of this as anyone), for JPEG images in an online gallery, or for magazine reproduction, the optics would have to be terrible to show up badly in these media.

It may also be true that the magazines that sponsor these contests owe a little something to be sure all their advertisers are represented (Sour grapes on my part, as I've never won a contest).

Finally, for those of you who shoot manual focus, there were some very fine outside brands, notably Vivitar Series 1, Tamron, and Komura. Their lenses have been known to outshine OEM.

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April 23, 2002

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