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Photography Question 

Ujjwal Mukherjee

Use of unused film!

I was using a ISO 200 negative film and had taken 10 snaps out of possible 36.
Someone had pressed the mid roll rewind button of my Canon SLR and the film had gone back to 0 state. Now can someone advise me as whether I shd start using the roll again by just taking 10 blind shots and start taking pictures from teh 11th No. Or is there anyway I can overwrite previously taken first 10 snaps.
Thanks in advance.

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March 26, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Shooting over the top of the first ten exposures will result in double exposures. If you remember what each frame was a picture of it could be a fun experiment. Most likely, however, you will not be pleased with the results. Shoot through the first ten with the cap on the lens and begin where you left off if you want to salvage the first ten shots.

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March 26, 2002


John A. Lind
  Jeff's right . . . you can easily reload a partially shot roll. I've unloaded a partially shot roll before to use a different type of film and then reloaded the original one to finish it.

However, if you used 10 frames, I recommend shooting eleven and starting on frame twelve . . . one more than you you originally shot. On reloading, the film isn't always positioned exactly as it was when originally loaded. The blank frame prevents image overlap between the last exposure prior to unloading the roll and the first exposure after reloading it.

Also recommend setting lens to narrowest aperture and shutter to highest shutter speed, in addition to having the lens cap on. Shoot you way through the previously exposed frames indoors in low light, or at least in the shade if going indoors isn't feasible. Not all lens caps are 100% light tight. At narrowest aperture and highest shutter speed, the very little light leakage around the lens cap edges (if any) won't affect any of the photographs already on the film.

-- John

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March 27, 2002

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