BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Kerry Drager

Learn Photography or Photoshop in 1 Year!

Hi Everyone!
I hope the holiday season is going well! Just a note to let you know of one of the exciting new features at BetterPhoto for 2007: ClassTracks™, which makes it much easier to learn photography or Photoshop over the course of just one year! You have a choice of three one-year programs: 1) Composition for the Nature Photographer; 2) Become a Photoshop Professional; or 3) Making Money as a Professional Photographer.

In addition to support from core group of fellow ClassTrack students - plus, the instructor for each particular course - each participant will be assigned a ClassTrack Counselor. As Jim Miotke says, this counselor "can be a constant resource throughout all of the courses in a particular track - even beyond what the instructor can answer. The advisor can be as involved in your progress as you need, a catch-all for your problems and questions".

Bonus: Upon payment of the enrollment fee, you get your choice of an additional free 8-wk course (up to $297 value) OR admission to the 2007 BetterPhoto Photography Weekend!

For all of the details, go to:

That's it for now. Best wishes for a wonderful new year!

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December 28, 2006

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