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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Scanning Quality

I am currently scanning slide film to convert to a digital file. In the sky portion of the scanned image, I notice small black specs in the image file. I carefully brush the slide and blow off the surface before scanning. I understand that some slide film have bubbles that are a result of the manufacturing process. Could this be the cause? I can "clean" up the image, but it is ver tedious to inspect the whole image. Although I use the Auto-dust feature on the scanner, it does not appear to resolve the problem I am seeing.

Any suggestions?

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January 21, 2004


doug Nelson
  This is a pretty common problem, Ray. No amount of brushing ever gets rid of all the crud. Old slides, especially those that have been projected, tend to have bad cases of this problem. Some scanning software has "Digital Ice" or some similar means of recognizing such trash and cloning pixels over it. Before I got a more sophisticated scanner, I had to magnify the image and clone sky pixels over each and every one. Are the slides Kodachrome? If so, none of these automated clean-up functions work. Anyone know of a scanning software that can handle Kodachrome ?

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January 21, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  What are you using to brush off your slides before scanning? If it's a lens brush,...STOP! You may be adding more specks with each stroke. The bristles of the brush hold contaminants and the brushing action magnitizes the film...causing the particles to jump and adhere to the slide. I went through this frustration for months, then discarded my brush, and began using only a dry Q-Tip, and a can of compressed air to clean my slides.

The Digital-Ice feature Doug mentioned is included with Nikon's Coolscan 4000, and removes imperfections very well. Personally, I haven't seen much difference in the way it responds to my old Kodachromes.

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January 21, 2004

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