BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Jeffrey P. Workman

maneuverability in the site

its been a while since ive toured the site... (better I would like to get into the habit of viewing others photos... that are similiar to mine... to see... and maybe get other ideas. My photos are good.. I am learning CS3 at an alarming rate... but my photos still lack that "special thing" that makes viewers jump... suggestions? I would eventually like to go pro... and supplement my income (alot) with my photography... nice timing, huh? Alot of my images are over 20 and even as much as 200 mb... how can I get them on my site here (multi photo panoramics saved w alpha channels, and enhanced)

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January 26, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Jeffrey,
You have some very nice images in your gallery. When you say you want to make viewers jump - are you referring to curves/tone adjustments or composure techniques ?
There are several classes here about photoshop editing techniques that will help with using layers, selective color, etc.. that will add pop to your photos. I have taken some of these taught by Jim Zuckerman, Brenda Tharp & Lewis Kemper who all have excellent photoshop skills. I have been lately doing more HDR and Corel Painter editing to add a different look to my images.
As far as 20MB / 200MB file sizes. I keep my raw & large tiffs on my hard drive for printing or stock agency purposes but for displaying on any photo site, I size them down as small jpegs as they are not needed to display the image and because if someone copies the image (and no site is safe from a screen capture) the thief will only get a small res photo and nothing he will be able to print with any quality.
Even panaromaics can be saved as a small version jpeg for posting on the web.
my .02,

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January 26, 2009

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