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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Celeste McWilliams

Lighting/Shutter Speed Issues

My studio set-up includes a Nikon D300, backdrop, and "My First Studio" lighting kit [2 lights w/umbrellas]. I am taking photos of preschoolers, and they are terrible. I'm finding that I need to use higher shutter speeds, as they are preschoolers and don't hold still for very long. However, at higher speeds, photos are turning out darker than they should be. (Aperture is opened as far as possible on camera.) But, if I lower shutter speed, the moving kids are blurry. I do have the lights pretty close to the kids, and have adjusted light-to-umbrella distance [by sliding umbrella either closer to or farther from light]. Right now this is the only equipment I have. I don't really wanna adjust ISO up, as 8x10s get grainy. Any ideas? Thanks!

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October 09, 2008


Bobby R. Strange
  Have you tried any of the noise reduction softwares like Neat Image, Noiseware or Noise Ninja? I've had good results with those :)

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October 09, 2008


Pete H

Based on your question I am assuming ""My First Studio" is a constant lighting source? (i.e) NOT strobes.

If this is the case, then you have a simple problem of not enough light intensity on your subject.

There are a couple fixes for this.

1) Move the light source closer to the subject.

2) Get more powerful lights

Strobes are often the better way to go; even for beginning amateurs. There are numerous reasons for this.

One is that shutter speed no longer is relevent as long as one does not exceed the sync speed. Most DSLR's have sync speeds up to 1/500th. The D-300 is 1/250th.

The above statement is true IF your strobes are the primary lighting, which they should be in a studio shot.

Just a casual question now Celeste.

I know what the D-300 cost..what did ""My First Studio" cost?

all the best,


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October 09, 2008

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