BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Brenda D.

resizing a photo

I know how to resize a photo that goes into the contests and for putting on this site but to do a different size I'm lost I use an 8MP camera and the images are 3456 x 2304 what I need is 72dpi and a 5x7 size or 500KB I dont know how to get this with out some one telling me the the size of ? X ? sorry the question is confusing but if any one can help . I would sure appreciate it. thanks Brenda

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February 18, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Under "windows" click "show options" so you'll have the options window visible. This lets you put in a specific size and resolution for the crop tool.

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February 18, 2008


Sarah G
  The most important thing is that you need to have your short side cropped to 480px. After that you just proportion your other side appropriately. For BP that is just the way it is.

You can put 480px into the BP search to come up with a couple of discussions on it if you want.

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February 18, 2008


Christopher A. Vedros
  Do the math, Brenda. 72 dots per inch x 5 inches = 360 dots (pixels)

72 dots per inch x 7 inches = 504 dots (pixels)

So crop your image to a 5x7 ratio, then set your image size to 360x504 and 72 dpi.

Be sure to "save as" - you wouldn't want to print this reduced image.

Chris Vedros

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February 18, 2008


Brenda D.
  Thanks to all of you for your answers it really helped, Chris your in depth instructions are exactly what I needed thanks again Greg, Sarah & Chris. :)

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February 19, 2008

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