BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Camera and computer not the same

I'm using the Nikon D-40. When I take a photo, the image looks good on playback but when I either download the image to a disk, or send it off to be developed, it comes back ligher or darker than the original. Is this a monitor problem? I'm using Picasa2 for my editing. Any help anyone could give would be muchly appreciated!!

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November 15, 2007


William Schuette
  Hi Jerry, if you image looks correct on your monitor but is consistently lighter or darker on other monitors it sounds like a monitor calibration problem. There are several inexpensive devices out there now to calibrate your monitor like the Huey Pro. You also need to check what color profile you are using when you edit your photos. If you are editing in Adobe RGB or Nikon Adobe RGB some viewing programs and printing companies would have to convert the file to sRGB resulting in a loss of contrast and saturation. The way around this is that for photos that are going to be viewed on other monitors or on the web, convert your photos to 8-bit (if they are originally 16-bit) and convert the color profile to sRGB. Then tweak the levels or curves and saturation until it looks right and save. This should give you a more consisten appearance on different computers.


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November 29, 2007

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