BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

anonymous A.

Uploading Panoramas to BP

I enjoy making large panoramas, but have not figured out how to upload them to my BP gallery in a way that allows them to be seen for what they are... BIG.
My huge (12'x 3' and larger) pictures are reduced to accomodate the dimensions of a standard BP thumbnail, and the "full size" image is no wider than a standard picture, but so much narrower that the impact is just lost!

Most other people showing panos seem to have the same problem, yet I have noticed that other members have photos in their galleries which you actually have to scroll across the screen to take in. I am jealous! Does anyone know how this is done?

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November 04, 2007


Samuel Smith
  boy I missed this david,and yes,some know?the air apparent to knowledge.
real help??
masters want competion?and you think us as members will help,that's quite the thought.
c'mon david,knowledge goes on vacation when something is asked and not paid for.
a good programmer can overide bp's you got a problem with this not being fair?hope your fine down under.

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November 12, 2007


John G. Clifford Jr
  When you resize the image for BP, resize it so the smaller side is 480 pixels. Look at my gallery for some examples of panos that were sized this way before uploading to BP.

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November 17, 2007

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