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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Stan Kwasniowski

Nikon Capture NX

I shoot Nikon D100 and have purchased Nikon NX(raw) which I use exclusively now. I can convert NX (raw) to JPEG. slight difference in exposure but not much. Problem: Now that I have JPEG and want to download to BP contest, when I do download, the image is always about a stop lighter, is it me or what?

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November 02, 2007


William Schuette
  Hi Stan, sounds like it may be a color profile issue. When prepping a picture to upload make sure you resize and convert the color profile to sRGB. Your picture may now look a little light, lacking in contrast or underexposed. Now make a curves or contrast adjustment to add back the contrast. Typically, I find that I have to pull both the shadows and highlights sliders in a little. Now save as a jpeg and upload. You should find that your uploaded jpegs now look much more like your original NEF files.


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November 14, 2007


Stan Kwasniowski
  Hi Bill, thank you for your response, I shoot in colour profile sRGB now and in mode 111, I want the full impact of colour. I will try what you have suggested, again thank you

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November 14, 2007


William Schuette
  Stan, if you are shooting in sRGB, color profile might not be your problem unless you have your NX preferences set up such that NX is initially converting to some other profile such as Adobe RGB when you open the NEF. However, even if it is not a color profile problem, it could still be a loss of color gamut and dynamic range when you are converting from the 14 bit NEF files to the 8 bit jpeg so I would still suggest you resize and tweak your saturation, curves and/or sharpening specifically for the upload version. Also, if you want maximum color depth and gamut you should not shoot in sRGB. sRGB has the smallest color gamut of the common profiles used in digital cameras and once you shoot a NEF file in it, you cannot regain the out of gamut colors by any realistic post production technique. You should really use Adobe RGB or Nikon Adobe RGB in camera and in your NEF post production. This will give you the greatest gamut possible and so will give you less color aberration as camera programming attempts to record the scene. Because there are more colors captured, you will have less possibility of a noticeable transition between shades of the same color. Convert to sRGB only when you need to which I have found is only for web jpegs. Also, remember your color modes are always changeable in NX. Color mode 3 and 3a are generally the most intense and contrasty with color mode 2 and then color mode 1 following in intensity. Depending on the brightness of the colors and shades, sometimes color mode 3 and 3a can make some shades of color too hot so that they are out of gamut and look unrealistic. When this happens change to color mode 2 or 1 and see if this corrects it. Also for skin tones, color mode 1 is generally best on properly exposed pictures since color modes 2 and 3 can put too much color in the skin.


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November 14, 2007


Stan Kwasniowski
  Hi Bill, thank you again for your guidance, will reprogram my camera and see what happens, again thank's again

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November 15, 2007

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