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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Pamela A. Davis

Dark Hair/Dark Background

I have a image of a young man with very dark hair against a black backdrop. I like the way it looks, but the mother wants more detail in the hair against the backdrop. Does anyone know a way to increase or lighten the area around the hair on the left above the ear?

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November 01, 2007


Pete H
  Hello Pamela,
This is a strong case for why studio photographers use a "hair light." Simply put, it's a snooted strobe aimed at the subject's hair.
There is some magic you can do if you don't have a studio setup ... ahh, gotta love digital and image editing.

Shoot TWO photos in rapid succession (otherwise, your subject will move and this won't work). Shoot one for normal exposure and the next one overexposed about 2 stops. Sandwich the two images and erase part of the hair line with a soft brush. This is not the preferred method, but when lacking the proper light setup, it's better than nothing.
All the best,

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November 03, 2007


Bob Friedman
Since you already have this shot and can't go back to shoot rapid succession, create a layer from copy, then lighten the copy till the hair is where you want it, then use the erase tool to erase the rest and bring the correct exposure for the rest opf the photo foward.

you can also use the lightened copy to create a mask aroound the area you want to have lightened in the original then delete the layer, leaving the mask behind on the original. Feather, lighten, and clean up using the dodoge tool with a soft brush.

see attached.

Ritz Camera

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November 06, 2007


She-She Killough
  I would just add when using the dodge tool choose Highlights to bring out the light in his hair.

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November 06, 2007


Pamela A. Davis
  Thank you Bob your suggestion worked quite well and the comment about highlights was great not sure I would have realized to use the highlights to bring up the light. Now lets hope his mom likes it. Thanks again.

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November 07, 2007

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Photoshop's Shadows/Highlights option works well too.

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November 07, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Or correct it on camera and throw in an extra flood upper left to gain some reflectance from the hair to lift and seperate it from the background. Fiddle with it on the PC later, but there will be less to do then if you correct it beforehand.

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November 07, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Or correct it on camera and throw in an extra flood upper left to gain some reflectance from the hair to lift and seperate it from the background. Fiddle with it on the PC later, but there will be less to do then if you correct it beforehand.

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November 07, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Or correct it on camera and throw in an extra flood upper left to gain some reflectance from the hair to lift and seperate it from the background. Fiddle with it on the PC later, but there will be less to do then if you correct it beforehand.

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November 07, 2007


Pamela A. Davis
  Yes, I am new to my studio setup and just did not realize until too late (mom was rushing me) that there was not enough light on the left side I have and will use a light for the hair when I use that black background. Thanks again for the comments they really do help.

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November 08, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  That was weird. I didn't know my posts had a stuttering problem.

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November 09, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  That was weird. I didn't know my posts had a stuttering problem.

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November 09, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  That was weird. I didn't know my posts had a stuttering problem.

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November 09, 2007

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