BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


How do I get my portraits not to have so much red in them. Especially their hair.

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November 01, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  You didn't say what kind of camera you use or if you're using on camera flash.

If you're using film, you may need to check its ISO. With powerful detachable flashes, you'll get red skin tones with ISO-400 films. Better to drop film to IS0-100 or -200, usually more than enough if the flash is "big" enough.

You might have to lower your IS0 setting with your digital camera. Or, you might need to check exactly what mode you're in. If your digital camera is set to Portrait Mode, you really give up exposure control to the camera. You might want to set things to full manual and work your way back to one of the more automatic settings including TTL metering.

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November 02, 2007

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