BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

john dunne

Anyone recommend a Photoshop professional

I have recently taken some images that require professional editing. I need to get high quality sharpening, noise reduction tonal balance etc. Can anyone recommend a professional who will imporve the shots from a photographers point of view? I can do the basics myself but the quality of the work required is more difficult

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October 25, 2007


Haidar Abu Bakar
  Hi there. I am a pro photographer who does all my own retouching on photoshop. Unfortunately I am in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. If your pics can be sent through the net, then I can help you.

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November 15, 2007


Pete H

for what output? what resolution? use?..original shooting medium?

If all you need is what you posted, there are many people here who can accomplish that easily.

If on the other hand you require image manipulation, reconstruction etc..that is a whole new question.

Your question is nebulous at best.


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November 15, 2007


john dunne
  Thank you for your replies. I got help straight after posting this question, so many thanks

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November 16, 2007

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