BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Changing pixelation

Hi there, I have recently uploaded some images from my digital camera to the web, no problems. However, some old photos, scanned from slide film are being rejected with 'insufficient image dimensions'.

The site specifies the images should be :JPEG or SVG ; Min. Resolution 2400 x 1600 (4 mil Pix);Proportion 1:2 x 1:4 and max. file size 20 MB.

The properties on my pics are (E.g):
JPEG ; Image Size 816 x 556 ; Resolution (DPI)200 ; 277KB

Not being a techy, I don't know how to translate these differing figures or how best to make changes without losing the quality of the images.

The editing suite is Hewlett Packard Image Zone.

Any ideas or help would be very welcome.

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August 09, 2007

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