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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


Mounting a Photo on Poster Board or Mat Board

Hi Everyone,
This is Probaly a Dumb Question But im Very New to Photography! Their's a photo contest thats coming up and they require you to mount your photo on poster board or mat board,I was wondering how to mount the photo on the board?? what do I use? and my other question is what exactly is mat board? and where can you buy it? Thanks...

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July 30, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  A mat board is like a colored cardboard frame, which covers the boarder of the image and goes inside a frame. You can buy them in art stores, Aaron Brothers, online, and many other places.

You would mount the picture to the mat by putting the mat in front of the picture (picture facing out the window) and then using a couple pieces of non-acid (archive) tape at the top of the picture to hold it in place.


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July 31, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  A matboard doesn't always refer to a mat on the front of the picture. Many photographers sell or display prints mounted on matboard, but not covered with a mat frame.

Sometimes this is called backing board. You should make sure it says that it is archival quality or acid-free.

You can find this at craft stores like Michael's, or at sites like or

When mounting like this, you should use double-sided archival tape or adhesive squares. Look in the scrapbook section for it. I use a Herma brand adhesive square dispenser that I bought at Target.

Check the contest rules carefully to see if there are any restrictions on what type of board you need to mount on. Some contests specify that only white board can be used. They will also usually tell you exactly what info to put on the back of it.

Chris Vedros

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July 31, 2007


  Thank You Both For Responding to my Question,Yes they Require the board to be White....

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July 31, 2007

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