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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Noreen Callahan

photo color restoration

This is a wonderful site for amateurs like me. Really appreciate the answers to questions I have already received.

I have an old print of my grandfather which was in a frame for years and has become quite faded, except edges where frame covered it. I've tried using clone brush, but find it terribly time consuming and can't really tell which pixel should have exact color. I have Paint Shop Pro 7 and Serif Photo Plus ( a British company). Is there an easier way to accomplish restoration of original colors?

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July 25, 2007


Richard Lynch
Usually you can do a dynamic range adjustment with Levels and it will do several things, including removing consistent color casts caused by paper yellowing, and improve/restore color and dynamic tonal range (from white to black). I teach this in all of the courses I have on on Photoshop because it is so valuable, but PSP has the same type of tool and you can do it there too.

Essentially the idea is to open Levels, and trim the graphs in each channel to re-establish tonal range. Depending on your scanner you may be able to affect this type of correction there as well.

Can you post the image?

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July 25, 2007


Noreen Callahan
  I will try later on today. I'm on dial-up and another family member need to use the internet for awhile.

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July 25, 2007


Noreen Callahan
  I was finally able to upload the picture. I don't know if you can tell from such a small image how much brighter the edges are than the body of the picture. There is sucha profusion of different shades of the same color (eg., reds)that I became very discouraged by trying to use the clone brush.

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July 25, 2007


Richard Lynch
At the bottom of the reply area there is an option to Upload Images...that would allow a larger image than your self-portrait.

In any case, I see what you are talking about, and it appears you've had some light fading (that is, where the photo is exposed to light, it faded). You can make a selectionof the inner area of the photo and make a levels correction to bring back the image. If you upload another version at a larger size I'll show you the results I get.


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July 26, 2007


Noreen Callahan
  Grandpa & His Garden
Grandpa & His Garden
Unknown, as picture taken by my father, years ago with either Pentax or old Argus. No history of pic available.

Noreen Callahan


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July 26, 2007

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