BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Sobia Chishti

how to fix pixalated pic.?

Is there a way to fix or lessen the appearance of pixels shot at high ISO like 800 or 1600?? I recently shot a wedding and don't like the pixelated pictures. I even made a mistake by forgetting to adjust the ISO on my Canon 10D when I moved to outdoors. I will appreciate any help.

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July 09, 2007


robert G. Fately
  Sobia, there's a difference between pixellation and noise - and if you are finding this problem in your high ISO shots than I think you are really referring to the noise issue. Noise seems like grain, in that it's more evident at higher ISO ratings (just like high sped films are grainier than their slower counterparts) but in reality it's the result of the highly sensitized CCD reading photons of heat (given off by the camera's own electronics) as if they were photons arriving from the subject through the lens. This is why noice gets more noticeable at higher ISOs.

There are some programs designed to reduce noice - Noise Ninja being a well known one. There are others, though, and you can do some research to find out about them.

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July 09, 2007

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