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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Wendy S. Mogul


Actually its not my images but my windows vista and my photoshop elements5.0 being compatible!

I just purchased a new computer with vista and I cannot get my photoshop to work!!!! I need help because my job depends on it! Has anybody else have vista and havd had the same problem!

Please help me!
Wendy Mogul

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June 08, 2007


David A. Bliss
  If you have 32 bit Vista, you will need to download the Elements 5.0.2 update.

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June 08, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Vista really was not smart in the compatibility department. Lots of software and hardware companies had to make special accommodations for Vista, an OS which really isn't fundamentally better (and in fact is slower) than XP (or Mac OS X). Another example is the Office 2007 .docx format. You have to get special updates to Office 2003, the new Office 2007, (or NeoOffice on Mac), to open any document someone saved in this format. And what really bugs me is that they make you pay for each version of the program you buy. (Personally, this is annoying because I lost the 2003 cd, yet still have the code and want to install the program, but it is no longer downloadable.)

ScrattyPhotography Blog

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June 08, 2007


Marius Liebenberg
  I regret getting Vista, it does not work well and for no reason my Camera Window for downloading images off camera to PC just stops working. The only way to get it working again is to uninstall all Canon software and re-install it. This is very annoying, besides other issues with Vista not being able to play games. So anyone out there wanting to get a new PC, look at MAC or stay with XP!

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November 10, 2007


Wendy S. Mogul
Thanks for responding! Actually I ended up ordering a new laptop with windows xp because my photoshop just ended up crashing on me and I need my photoshop!

I dont know why Microsoft would release a operating system with so many problems
it is so madening especially when you spend so much money on a computer and cannot use it!!!!!
Anyway thanks again for responding!
Wendy Mogul

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November 10, 2007


Pete H
  Sorry to hear about your compatibility issues.
I've been using Vista for some time with ZERO problems. Adobe 5.0 AND CS2.

The real problem is NOT a failure in the Vista OP system, but a failure in understanding HOW to use and optimize it. So; I will agree, if you are not computer savvy, stay away from Vista. Eventually XP will not be supported by you might want to brush up on some tune up tips and tricks...and soon.

Not wanting to start a MAC Vs MS war; but Vista is NOT slower than XP or ANY MAC! This statement arises from people who are basically appliance operators who know next to nothing about computer architecture.

MS DID indeed cause some probs by releasing Vista far too soon, forcing software vendors to play catch up..and they still are.

Simply turn off many of the (visual) effects in Vista and it will fly past XP! Learn how to tune the registry and NOW you have a fast machine for far less cost than a MAC.


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November 10, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Regardless of Windows vs Mac, it probably would be easier for the typical user to get Leopard instead of Vista because, as you said, you need to computer savvy, and Mac's visual effects don't slow down the computer's performance either. (Leopard, not just Vista, by the way, also has some first-release bugs, but Apple usually releases the "service pack" equivalents within the first few weeks of a new OS, as opposed to the longer wait with Vista.)

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November 10, 2007

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  I had to make the decision of buying a new PC or Mac recently and though I was not all that excited about learning MAC (after years of being a PC user) I decided it was time. I got tired of the constant updates and fear of virus attacks and I also wanted to know that my new system would be able to run PS CS3, Bridge & Corel Painter X at the same time. My new IMAC does run these so I am happy. Maybe Vista would have sufficed but I am not Microsoft certified nor do I care to be, I just wanted something that would work.

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November 11, 2007


Irene Troy
  Hey Pete – forgive me for taking this thread a bit off topic; however, I forgot that you were one of the tech savvy people here and I need some help with Vista. Personally, the reason I have Vista is because it came installed on my new laptop – okay, a trifle stupid, but… I have not experienced any compatibility issues with PS CS3, but then I did not expect any since CS3 was released post Vista. I find that the OS runs essentially the same as XP and seems not to have any great issues that have (yet) affected my work flow.

However, there is one issue that is driving me a little bonkers: I travel – too much – and must often use my laptop at public hot spots. Generally these spots only provide wireless routing. I have no problem with the initial sign on and access, at least once I have checked the box that tells the security center to permit access despite the fact that the service might not be secure. But, if I am online for more than a few minutes something happens and suddenly I get a message saying that the web site cannot be displayed and when I check my connection I see that I have local access only – no Internet. In order to get access to the net I have to completely shut down, reboot and rediscover the wireless connection. I’ve tried reconfiguring the network connection to make it less secure and to select the access as home/office rather than public, but this makes no difference. I assume that this is somehow related to the Vista firewall/security, but do not understand why this happens or how to fix it. It is making it really hard for me to stay in touch with my clients and editors. Can you explain what the problem is and how to resolve it? Thanks, Pete.


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November 12, 2007


Pete H
  Hi Irene,

sorry you had to type such a long question. I have no idea what the problem might be. LOL

I don't surf or email at WiFi hotspots (because) of the lack of security.
If I need to discuss anything with my clients, it is over the phone. If I email anything, it is from my hotel room, and even that is rare since my shooting assignments generally don't require me to be far from home.

A good friend of mine shoots for Nat Geo; often in pretty remote places. He uses a satellite phone...quite expensive, but I'm sure his expense acct is far greater than mine. LOL


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November 12, 2007


Wendy S. Mogul
  Hi Irene,
I am sorry you are having problems with your vista computer but it does not suprise me! But anyway did you try to disable your firewall and sign on as an administrator instead of Home/office
that might help. Anyway let me know how it goes! Good luck!


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November 12, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  It might just be that the wifi spots aren't reliable? Could you try with other computers? Doesn't your computer have an option or button to disable and re-enable the wifi? Try going into network connections to restart the connection. If you are confident enough, you could try installing Ubuntu on a new partition of your drive and see how connections work on it; Ubuntu is more secure than Vista anyhow.

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November 12, 2007


Irene Troy
  Pete – you disappoint me! Here I was thinking you knew everything important and you don’t! Gee, how disillusioning. Most of what I do is writing and developing materials for nature education or the promotion of “green tourism” (their term, not mine). This work takes me into some fairly remote locations. Often the only choice I have for communicating with clients and editors is via e-mail. I never send anything remotely compromising, but none-the-less I always feel just a little anxious using public connections. Unfortunately, as I said, sometimes this is all that I can find. If I could convince someone to pay the cost I’d love to use a satellite connection! I’ve looked into using a broadband card from my cell provider, but this is also quite costly.

Wendy – I’ve tried all the semi-obvious things such as what you suggested and the problem keeps occurring. It seems intermittent – the type issue I hate the most – and unrelated to location.

Ariel – people keep telling me to switch to macs or another OS. However, due to the type work that I do this is really not an option, at least not at this time. I find that when I can get into a motel that offers their own hardwired or secure wireless connection that I have no problems, suggesting that you might have id’d the cause – an unreliable public connection. This may be something I will have to live with for at least the time being.

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November 12, 2007


Todd Bennett

Have you had any work done on your laptop, any hardware added or changed out? Is this a problem that just started and have you owned the computer very long. It sounds to me as though it is a hardware issue with the network card, possibly heating up or something similar to that.

I had a PC with a power supply that was going bad that would "blue screen" on me and couldn't figure out why. The shop replaced it and it is working perfectly now. Electronics can do some really crazy stuff.

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November 12, 2007


Pete H
  Ya..sorry Irene; my white horse ain't what it used to be, and it's a long fall these days. (heh-Heh) I used to know everything about everything. Once I had thought I made a mistake, but I was in err.

Technology today is mind blowing! I'm thinking lately of going the other way..I think the term is "Luddite." LOL

Pinhole camera here I come. No wait!...I think I'll learn to paint!..Nahhh; scratch that!..I'll just tell ya' what I saw.

all the best,


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November 12, 2007

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