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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Mike J. Caudle

Best way to clean up a panoramic

I shot a few panoramics the other day and used the Canon Photo Stitch to merge them. The merge lines are fairly noticable and unattractive. Whats the best way to fix this? Photoshop method? Adjust bightness/exposure in field with camera?

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June 05, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Use some blurring or cloning over the lines.

If you are sure that you took the photos properly, you should use a better program and maybe you won't have this problem.


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June 05, 2007


Samuel Smith
  if it weren't broke,you would'nt have to fix need to correct yourself and say I shot some photos for a panaromic and I screwed up.i don't have the expertise to clone these photos and put them together,but I had a vision.
I am thinking what?
taken properly,and why don't the lines match up..
bucket of ps,bail me out.back to you ariel.

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June 05, 2007

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  I use the Panoramafactory:

I like it.

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June 05, 2007


Mike J. Caudle
  Not sure what you meant Samuel.

Forgot to mention I didnt have a tripod, I balanced the camera on a bench and just rotated from there. Thanks for the links and information on programs.

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June 07, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Always use a tripod.

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June 07, 2007


Samuel Smith
  you need to start with really good pics mike.without a tripod you're going to have a whole lotta work ahead of you.
clouds move,light yourself a lot of trouble.

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June 07, 2007


Jenny D
  I always make sure I use all the same settings for all the shots and then I use photo shop to merge the pics together. Usually it only needs a little cleaning up, which I do with the cloning brush and the healing brush. Good luck, practice a lot and have fun with it!!

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June 07, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Sam, remember you fit calling people dweebs and your consistent complaints about people not providing enough information in answers to people who don't know something?
Well in the rare times you do provide an answer to someone's question, why is that you just don't answer it with straight information?
Always preaching but never practicing.

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June 08, 2007


Mike J. Caudle
  Well said Gregory. Yea, my next purchase is a tripod so Ill be using that for every shot I take now.

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June 08, 2007


Samuel Smith
  let me write that down.
fit calling?
i'm such a dweeb.

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June 08, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Meant to say your fit, as in tantrum, hissy fit.
But back to the panoramic.The best results for doing a panoramic with rotating the camera is to have the point of rotation at the diaphragm, which is the aperture blades. And there's a product made just for that so you connect that to the tripod and connect the camera to the apparatus.
Since the way the camera attaches to the plate and how the center post is, rotating the center post around makes the point of rotation a little on the left side of the camera, using a tripod can still give you a little misalignment. But it's the next best way and easier like jd said.

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June 08, 2007


Samuel Smith
  no you didn't gregory..
you fit calling?
maybe some info on cameras that offer a panoramic mode?
let's try this one greg,geeks and dweeds that sit in front of their computer and make a photo?insert this and add colors to that?
bring the big crutch out and say ansel adams manipulated his photos?
got a price tag on the equipment necessary for your panoramic adventure?
you ain't helping mike and neither am I at this point.
he just wants some help stitching some picnic table photos.yeah.
I even wondered about settings,but he had no clue.i had this camera and it was so easy???now I want?
best of luck mike.

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June 09, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Actually did give him something helpful. But your need for other things probably makes it too much in plain sight for you to worry about it.

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June 10, 2007


Samuel Smith
  sorry about the sidetracking mike but you can also move the camera on a tripod just by pushing the shutter button.a remote release would be nice,or use the self timer,that way you don't bump the camera.
just from reading?turn off auto white balance.

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June 10, 2007

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