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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Syed Q. Hussain

soft box Reflection

I have bought two soft boxes recently ans I tested that out last week the Lighting effect and the photograph are fine however the problem is the both the boxes refelect in the eyelids and the reflection is very conspicous. does any body know how I can avoid this. Would appreciate a feed back.


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May 14, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
These are called catch lights and are very desirable.
there should be as many catch lights as light heads ( main and fill)
having the body at a 45 degree angle and then you could try tilting the head until maybe one is missing.
but know this if catch lights are missing, the eyes look shallow and dark.
wishing you the best in your venture,
Debby Tabb

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May 14, 2007


Syed Q. Hussain
  Hi Debby,

Thanks I apprecaite your feed Back

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May 14, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
You can do as Debby suggests and position the head so that only one catchlight shows, or you can edit out one of the catchlights in your image editing program.

Chris A. Vedros

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May 14, 2007


Pete H

Catchlights are indeed desireable in portrait photography; how many is debateable and a matter of taste.

Now the SIZE of the catchlight is a entirely new issue. The size will depend on your softbox size and distance from subject.
Placing the softbox close you your subject will give a beautiful wash of very diffused light; BUT, will also show a rather large and overly obvious shape of the softbox.

Too far away, the catchlight looks better, but now the "softness" of light begins to vanish. Eventually; you will find what suits you.



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May 14, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  You sound like you're overlighting Syed. Even with two lights angled as suggested, while that may produce one catchlight, it still sounds like too much light. One catchlight in each eye (from one light) is usually sufficient.

Try using one softbox, back it off a bit, say to 8 feet from your subject at a 45 degree angle from the camera and to the subject. Use the one light and a fill card on the side of your subject to pump a little bit of light back into the shadow areas, enough to keep it interesting. Experimenting with lighting is the best teacher.

If you like the results, save the second light for groups. :>)
Take it light.

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May 14, 2007


Syed Q. Hussain
  Hi Mark/Chris & Pete

Thanks a lot for your advice will do as suggested and experiment.


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May 15, 2007

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