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Photography Question 

Emily Godlewski

Problems with Photoshop Elements 2.0 and Epson 320

Hi, I need help! I'm having problems with Elements 2.0 and my Epson 3200 scanner. It worked fine until recently when Elements started freezing up and the problems began. When using the Import command for Epson scanner the scanner starts to open but immediately closes and Elements closes too. Sometimes I get application errors or acquisition module interface errors. Adobe support seems non-existent. I have downloaded a new driver for the scanner. Also I have uninstalled and reinstalled the scanner and Elements several times. Can anyone help or tell me a good place to get help? I am in the middle of the flower photography class so I'm alittle desparate! Thank you!

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May 27, 2003


doug Nelson
  Adobe owes its customers better support. Corporate arrogance is boundless. Fortunately, Epson will, I think, help you, even if it's a hardware-operating system (or Elements) problem. Chances are they've heard of this problem before.

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May 28, 2003


Emily Godlewski
  Doug thank you for responding to my question. As of late yesterday I finally did contact Adobe support and the person was very good, although I do think Adobe makes it difficult to get answers. Anyway the problem is with my Windows xp, a damaged user profile, and my Adobe and scanner had to be opened in a new user account. Which means I have no access to my files of photos. VERY luckily I had just this weekend copied all my photos onto CD's. My computer problems still have big issues to be resolved but I wanted to pass the warning and reminder to everyone "Put all your photos on CD's!" you can't imagine the relief to know all is not lost. Also HP and Adobe both said that this problem can happen to anyone at any time and its just one of those things. My computer is only 9 months old so even relatively new ones can let you down.

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May 28, 2003


doug Nelson
Thank you for your follow-up. It helps all of us. Thanks for the heads-up on copying to CD.
My apologies to Adobe, since they DID help you. With Photoshop, you get ONE free assistance call; you pay for any others. I had to join a $100 a year Photoshop users club to have any support. I still recommend Elements for most peoples uses. It's an amazingly good product for the money.

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May 28, 2003


Sreedevi Swaminathan
  Emily, I too have been having problems like this, and Dell could never help me since it was Photoshop that kept closing up- but basically there are times when I'm in photoshop and it just suddenly closes when I've hit a function key. I too have a computer less than a year old with XP- driving me crazy. Would it be too much trouble to tell me what your XP problem was? It's so much money for me to call support, and it's frustrating that after spending my savings on a new computer, printer, scanner- that I get these problems and there's no one who'll help without money. I'd really appreciate it- I wasn't sure what you meant by corrupted user account.

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June 03, 2003


Emily Godlewski
  I will try! Some way my user account was damaged sooooo I had to open another user account, install Adobe and scanner in it and it worked perfectly. However in order to use my old photo files I had to copy them to the Shared Pictures Folder and any new photos saved have to be in the Shared Pictures Folder. This is a pain but it works. I emailed Hewlett Packard (HP) and asked how to set up new user account and also how to get access to my files while in the new user account. They emailed me back with several links for directions which I printed out and followed. Its complicated but take it step by step starting with creating a new user account if you have determined that you also have a damaged user profile. I understand the frustration with Adobe, the help they gave was free but I was on long distance with them for over 2 hours. Also I'm hearing some opinions that XP has alot of problems and that Windows 2000 does better with Adobe products. Good luck Sreedevi!

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June 03, 2003


Emily Godlewski
  Sreedevi I just remembered something that is VERY important. IF you do decide to open a new user account make sure you make the new account name a CO-ADMINISTRATOR so you will have access to everything. DO NOT make yourself a guest account. Basically what happens when you open a new account is that its like having a new computer just like when you bought it, with only the original software installed etc. Thats why you go back into the old (original) user account and copy all important files, for me thats my photos, into the Shared Folders and for photos the Shared Pictures - now you will have access to all your photos. You will ofcourse have to re-install your Adobe. Hope this helps!

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June 03, 2003


Sandy Shaver
I am wondering if you have another photo program in your system in addition to the Elements ? Sometimes they override one another and that could be causing part of the problem...
And are you rebooting each time you uninstall, reinstall, a hot boot may not work, you need to cold boot when you uninstall and reinstall. Maybe you already know all this.
I hope it helps.

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June 10, 2003

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