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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Tim Hennessey

Condensation and Cameras

Over the weekend, I was at an indoor water park, and I had stored my camera in our room which was cooled to about 65 degrees. When I brought it into the water park, the temp was close to 82 with 100% humidity. My lens fogged over almost immediately and I had trouble focusing the majority of the time I was there. I'm planning a trip to Costa Rica in May and would prefer that this sort of thing does not happen again. Do you have any suggestions on how I can prep my camera for the extreme humidity that I may face there? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!

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April 03, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings. When changing from extreme environmental temps like cooler to warm, you're likely to get condensation forming on everything from your skin to your equipment. The solution is before changing environments, stick your gear inside a plastic, zip-lock type bag, squeeze the air out of it, and zip it shut. The condensation will form on the outside of the bag, and the equipment temp will equilibrate after a few minutes and you're ready to shoot.
For lens fogging, you can also use a good cleaner that helps repel moisture. For that, I like some stuff called ROR (residual oil remover). It's a good cleaner and seems to help prevent fogging in greenhouse environments and indoor pool areas. Take it light ;>)

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April 03, 2008


Danielle E. Rutter
  P.S. from Mark: Now for pot roast, instead of a camera, add a 3 pound roast inside an oven bag. Don't use a freezer bag because they'll melt and possibly burst into flames.... salt and pepper to taste, add garlic...preset oven to 350 degrees and.............

Thanks Mark! That is great advice.

Now to go cook me some pot roast... :P

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April 04, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  Hey Mark,

When do we add the veggies?

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April 06, 2008

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