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Photography Question 

Norette Underwood

Why pictures did not record on memory card?

I was using my Maxum 7D camera shooting portraits. When I went to download my photos on computer there were no images there. I had no message on camera that there was an error or that card was full. Some images I had taken previously were on the card but not the last 30 I had shot. Does anyone have an explanation?

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December 12, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  What size card is it and what is the total size of all the saved images put together. Also, it may be that putting the card in the computer destroyed some of the data? Did you check your camera's saved pictures anytime in the last 30 shots?

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December 12, 2007


Pete H
  Hello Norette,

Electronics in general are prone to failure, and eventually will fail. The CF or SD card is no different. While there are no moving parts in a CF or SD card, there are still discrete components that can fail.

Re-format your card and shoot test shots to make sure it is not a catastrophic failure. If you are still experiencing problems, get a new card.

This is another reason I counsel many to NOT use one BIG card when shooting a vacation etc. I use one or two 2 Gb cards and a few 512's. If it's a important shot, I will change cards and shoot it again.

all the best,


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December 13, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Pete is correct. Something you might try is a recovery program. There are some out there you can download for free and try to recover the photos. Even if you don't purchase the program, most of them will recover the photos; but, have a watermark across each photo. If they show up, great. You can purchase the program and activate it and you have your pics. If they don't show up, you're not out any money.

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December 13, 2007


Norette Underwood
  This is a 1 gb card. I had about 67 pictures on it. I have shot pictures on it since. I may try a recovery program because I have not formated. Ihave about 10 cards and do rotate them. Thanks for the info.

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December 13, 2007


Todd Bennett
  The thing about most cameras is they do what I call a "soft format." The info is still there untill it is written over. Sooooo, you may be able to get some of them back; but, not all of them. If they were actually written to the card. But, it is worth a try because it doesn't cost a dime if it doesn't work.

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December 13, 2007


Norette Underwood
  I have never recovered anything before. what program do I want to use and how do I go about recovering the data?

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December 14, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Do an internet search for "photo recovery software" or something similar. The programs are fairly straight forward and they should have directions on how to use their software.

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December 14, 2007

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