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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Janet Detota


I bought the 5-in-1 round collapsible reflector/diffuser from Photographer's Edge and now am not sure how to set it up. What do I use to hold it where I want it? It is 22" wide. Help!

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September 25, 2007


John Rhodes
  Janet, the answer probably depends on whether you use the 5-n-1 in a studio or in the field. There are stands with appropriate clips to hold the reflector.
I use mine in the field and hand-hold the reflector. I use a cable release to trip the shutter, so I am able to move around a good bit to get the best angle. I have seen pictures showing the reflector leaning against the tripod legs. I think how you use it is limited only by your ingenuity.

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September 25, 2007

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