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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Jamie J. Lange

Studio lights won't fire

HELP! I own a Canon 5D. I am using Novatron lights. I have a attachment(don't know what it is called) that attaches to my shoe mount and the sync cord hooks into it. I am having problems that sometimes the lights fire and other times they do not. I am just a starter photographer with studio lights. I have tried the sync cord with the light meter and it works every time, I have tried the test on the novatrons and on the attachment to the shoe mount and it works every time. I'm not sure if I have my camera on the wrong setting or something. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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August 20, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  < I'm not sure if I have my camera on the wrong setting or something. >

What settings are you using on your camera?

You should have your camera set to manual exposure mode (M), and your shutter speed set to something between 1/60 and 1/200. Your aperture should be set according to what your flash meter indicated.

Chris A. Vedros

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August 20, 2007


Jon Close
  My guess would be bad connection/short in the PC-sync adapter or the sync cords. The 5D has a PC terminal built-in (behind the terminal cover door on the left side). You shouldn't need any PC-sync adapter in the hotshoe.

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August 20, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
I responed to your email as well, but thought you may be working on BP so I'll post here as well.

Hi Jamie,

Try settings M 200/200/ F22 this is a working starting place.
Then you can adjust your settings from there.

Some times syncs tend to miss fire, using a Trigger is much more dependable.

Here are a few links:

From Ebay:

Heres what I use, lite links:

I hope this helps,


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August 20, 2007


John H. Siskin
  Hi Jamie,
How fast are you trying to shoot? The Novatrons will take about 2 seconds to recycle, so if you keep shooting as fast as your camera will go you will the Novatrons will be unable to fire. I am also confused about why you would need a hot shoe to pc adapter, since there is a pc socket on your camera. If slowing down doesn’t work I would replace the sync cord.
Thanks, John Siskin

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August 21, 2007


Jamie J. Lange
  Thanks so much to everyone! I found out that since I did not need the adapter, that that was the problem! I guess it is not working properly. Thanks again!

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August 21, 2007

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