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Photography Question 

Jeremy Case

Shutter Acting Up Every Other Photo

I'm having a problem with my D50 and I was wondering if someone could help me. Every other photo I take with my camera the shutter messes up and the photo is WAY underexposed. You take one properly exposed photo and then the shutter messes up with the speed it seems and you get a very very underexposed photo. And the next shot is fine again. It keeps going like that back and forth. Has anyone ever heard of this or knows what to do? I hate the thoughts of having to send my camera in to Nikon for repair.

Jeremy Case

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July 18, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  What setting are you operating your camera under? M, Av, Tv, P?

There are many reasons as to why this may be happening to you but you will need to post sample shots or explain your settings and how you may be composing and preparing to take a series of photos in order for me to help you further.

Nikon cameras naturally are a little dark for what it should be but if the shutter is messing up on you as in not functioning the way it should then you have a problem.

Let's hear how you are shooting and what the camera settings are and then we will go from there.

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July 25, 2007


Jeremy Case
I shoot in manual mode and have never had a problem before. My camera has now started turning all the pictures almost completely black. Doesn't matter if you shoot automatic with flash or manually with the meter zeroed out. Nothing you can do to get a properly exposed photo. It is still under warranty though so I shipped it off to Nikon today and hopefully it will arrive back soon enough. Here is a photo though to show what it is doing. This shot was taken on auto.

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July 25, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  Good call sending it to Nikon. Let us know what the issue was when you get it back.

I had Nikon handle my D100 and do some warranty work on it and it took around 3 months so be ready and expect the worst in regards to the time it will take. Do you have a backup until then?

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July 26, 2007


Jeremy Case
  Unfortunately I don't have another digital SLR backup but I do have my trusty N50 and a kodak digital point and shoot. 3 months is a long time though, wow. What was wrong with your D100? I am a souviner photographer and I use a D100 on my job. It's a great camera. I'll probably end up getting the D80 next.

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July 26, 2007


Jeremy Case
  I received my camera back from Nikon last week and all is well again. It only took 2 weeks to receive it back so it wasn't too bad of a wait. The problem was the Aperture Lever. It apparantly had gotten stuck. It was under warranty however so they replaced it free of charge and even gave the camera a cleaning which was very cool.

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August 16, 2007

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