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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Is a Zoom Lens OK for a Group Photo?

Will a zoom lens make a good-quality group photo that can be enlarged to, say, a 20x24 and still be sharp, or do I need to have a wide-angle lens?

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July 17, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  I'd use a regular lens for a group shot, though you could use a zoom. It depends on what you want in the shot - head to toe, or shoulder and above, etc.

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July 18, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  A medium wide-angle prime lens will give you better corner-to-corner sharpness than a zoom. If you have no choice and have to use a zoom lens, try to scrunch the group together toward the center of the frame as much as you can.

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July 18, 2004


John A. Lind
  Depends on your zoom lens and its optical qualities! In general, a modest wide-angle prime lens has better optical characteristics, making great enlargement easier. You're asking a lot for a 20x24 enlargement from 35mm. Medium format is usually used to get extremely high detail level for 20x24 prints. Not that good detail level cannot be had from 35mm format, provided you do everything possible with careful focusing and camera shake elimination (use tripod and cable release if possible).

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July 18, 2004

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