BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

darkness indoors

When you look through the camera it appears everything is dark. This is when you are taking a picture inside of a building with house lights. Outdoors you can see perfect. What could possibly be wrong with my camera?

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July 10, 2004


John A. Lind
Nothing is wrong. There's less light indoors than there is in daylight outdoors . . . and this makes the viewfinder image much dimmer . . . more than you might think it would . . . especially if you're using a relatively slow, variable aperture zoom lens at the longer end of its focal length (e.g., f/3.5~f/4.5 or f/4~f/5.6, etc.).

-- John Lind

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July 11, 2004

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