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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 


Coolpix 5700 (E5700) Digital Camera

Does the "Coolpix 5700 (E5700) Digital Camera" have the ability to change shutter speeds? What is the manual focus like, anything like a SLR? Would this be a camera that professionals like to use and take landscape photos with?

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February 07, 2004


  Jeff: You don't mention if you own a 5700 or are just considering buying. In either case, I recommend reading the BetterPhoto review of the 5700. Reading that was one of the major factors in my purchase decision. The 5700 has several user set shooting modes including shutter priority, reviewed in the article as well as the owner's manual, but I find the latter pretty hard to use as the index, IMHO, stinks... lol. The 5700 is considered a prosumer camera and I believe most pros would rather have SLR's, although I think you will find the features more than adequate for high quality non-professional landscape work. Good Luck.

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February 08, 2004


Karen M. Kroll
  I have been using the CoolPix 5700 now for about 8 months and love the camera. I agree with David as it being a prosumer camera and is an excellent camera for high quality work. I purchased the various lenses that are available for this camera which has made a huge difference in the versatility in my work. Word to the new purchaser - they have updated the camera to the 8700 which only appears to have change the megapixels available (8 instead of 5.3) Remember, shoot in RAW mode if you want excellent quality. There are plenty of examples at my website of this camera. And yes, the manual really does stink! Good luck!

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February 10, 2004

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