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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Sudy Altholz

Travel and backing up memory cards

I am going to be traveling in India for a month with my Nikon D300, but we won't be bringing a laptop with us. Do I need to take a lot of memory cards for the images I shoot? Or is there a small drive made that I can download my photos onto, as a back up and as a storage drive?
Sudy A

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August 18, 2009


R K Stephenson
  Hi, Sudy,

There are a number of excellent options for portable storage and backup.

This page explains a number of things to consider:

and this page has some recommendations that might point you in the right direction:



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August 18, 2009


Sarah G
  I'd make duplicates of everything. Put it on a mini external drive AND keep the memory cards.

You don't plan on taking a computer, but if you end up finding computer access I'd recommend using Broadband is needed to use it, but when my daughter was in Japan for a semester we used it. Having used it saved the day when the mini external she had all her pics on "blew" and I was the one with all the copies.

Long and short of it all. If I were going to India I would make sure I had the images I took each day duplicated in a couple of storage devices AND for safety from possible theft I wouldn't keep those duplicates in the same place.

Below are some BP forum links to some discussions on it all:

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August 18, 2009


Sudy Altholz
  Thank you for the info and links, R.K. and Sarah! I will check out the podmailing. But we are going to be staying in some remote places, and I presume without access to computers for part of the trip. I think I will be able to use it some of the time. I checked the link to photodoto and and like the storage backup suggestions there, Epson or Wolverine. Thanks again. I shoot in RAW which take more space. I hopefully will have a photo to share with BP when I return...

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August 19, 2009

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