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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


film for indoor wedding photography

I will be photographing an indoor wedding this spring and will be shooting color and black&white. I have never used the Portra films but would like to for this occasion. What film speed should I use and could someone reccommend an excellent black&white film for this occasion. I will be using a 28-80mm lens and I also have a 70-300. Thanks, Katie

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February 11, 2004


  I have always use Kodak film for wedding photography and I have used both Portra 160 NC and 160 VC. Personally, I like the 160 NC more because of the more natural color. Unless you are not allowed to use flash indoor or you plan to take a lot of photos with ambient light, I recommend you stick with the 160 speed. For B&W I have used Kodak TCN400 for portrait, no wedding yet, and I am very happy with the film. There is also Portra 400 BW but I have not tried this film yet. Both the TCN 400 and Portra 400 BW can be processed like regular color prints in C41 chemicals. Other print films which are good for wedding are Fuji NPS 160 and Agfa Optima 100. Hope this helps.

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February 12, 2004


Sheldon Lazovsky
  I have used the Kodak Portra 400 NC film for weddings, with great results. Portra film is available in both 35mm and medium format. If you need to shoot both at the same wedding, you can use the same film in both cameras, for more consistent results.

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February 15, 2004

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