BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Linda Kessler

Shooting a Portrait Against a Bright Citiscape?

As I portrait photographer, I had a photo shoot photographing a Mom and her baby against a distant citiscape. I tried to compromise on her face by having it a bit darker (not silhouette) to get some detail in the buildings. Instead the buildings were blown out in brightness and her face was a bit too dark even though I exposed for middle grey (internal light meter.) I imagine I would need a flash. I have a Vivitar (non-TTl). Would I expose for ambient light? If the exposure is 60 at F11 (exposing for middle grey on her body), would I just open up the flash to F8? I want to get lightness in her face and detail in the buildings. It was shot 10:00am and the buildings are quite a distance away.

Thank you.

P.S. I usually never shoot with a flash, just natural light.


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February 10, 2004

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