BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Lori J. Belknap

Preparing photo for sale

I have a few good shots that I would like to enlarge and frame. Does anyone have any info on someplace maybe on line that would take my negative and enlarge, and frame in one shot and send me the final product?? How do most folks accomplish this? Do they take it to their local processor and just get it enlarged then take it to a frame shop to matte and frame?

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February 08, 2004


Kristi Seanor
  I just take mine to local place to have enlarged. I am lucky in that I have a friend that mattes so I just let her do that. I then have to buy the frame or just sell them without frame and let them pick their own frame.

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February 09, 2004


Wing Wong
  Several options:

- Local development places can also do an enlargement.

- Online places like can scan your film and do enlargements for you.

- You can scan and print it yourself at home with a good photo printer.

Me? I scan and print it myself. I have an Epson C80 which is a decent printer, but if I were to do bigger than 8x10 enlargments, I would go with the 1280 or the 2200 from Epson. Going the Canon route, I would go with the S9000/I9000.

The problem with going to a 3rd party is that if the color doesn't come out right or the image isn't sharp enough or is too sharp, you have to pay again to have it done again. At home, you can have it fixed and corrected and printed out in one evening.

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February 11, 2004

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