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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


Sports Photos/Flash

I love taking sports photos of my daughter's friends... I see pros taking continuous shots and the flash fires with each shot.
I have a Canon EOS Rebel 2000 and a Cannon 420ex Flash. How do I do this.. I can't seem to get the flash to fire that fast, it has to recharge. Any help for this eager to learn beginner is much appreciated!

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February 07, 2004


John Papandreou
  The pro Photographer May be using a High power flash unit like a Metz CT60.
You could try setting your unit to its
lowest setting and just use it as a fill flash outdoors. Take note at what model of flash the pro is using,
If you are doing alot of these photos
then you might like to invest in one or hire one for a weekend to try it out.


John Papandreou
Studio 23

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February 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Because of the lens they don't have to fire the flash at full power. And with a camera with a sync speed around 250, fast lens, and film that's fast, the flash can go several shots before it needs to recharge. Some may have a power pack connected to their flash like the quantum power back.

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February 08, 2004

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