BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Aravinda Subasinghe

Storing a Camera

i have a film camera (canon 300v)
which I purchased recently,
i have used it consistantly over the last few month,

however I have exam commitments this year, so I will not be using the camera for few months,

i would like some advice on how to store it so it wont get damaged and so that I will get maximum life out of my camera?

thanks again

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January 27, 2004


  You can put your camera in your camera bag or the original carton and box and store it in a cool dry place, without direct sunlight. I would also put a couple packs of silica gel in the bag or box where you store the camera. ust the basic precautions and your camera should be fine.

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January 28, 2004


Jon Close
  Wouldn't hurt to remove the battery, though the current generation of lithiums don't seem as prone to leakage as alkalines. Film should be developed as soon as reasonalby possible after exposure, so don't leave a 1/2 exposed roll in the camera for months on end.

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January 28, 2004


Aravinda Subasinghe
  thanks for that andy and jon
i got a half exposed roll in my camera at the momment, but I will finish that off , and I ll put it into hibernation for a while,

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January 30, 2004

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