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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Kristi Seanor

black and white film for situations

I am interested in taking b & w pictures of an infant indoors. I have a Canon Rebel G with a 28-70mm lens or a 70-300 IS USM lens. I also have a 550EX speedlite that I just got but not sure when to use. Which b & w film would be recommended and what speed for this situation?

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January 19, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  True black and white film Tmax 400 or Ilford 400. Neopan is fuji's black and white that's a good film but not as available as Tmax or Ilford.
You can bounce the flash off the ceiling if you can't shoot by room light.

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January 19, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  I agree w/ Mr. Gregory and you can also use the Delta Pro 400 or the XP-2 Super 400 both from ILFORD. Also experiment with the TCN-400 ( with C 41 processing ) or the Portra 400 BW from Kodak ---ENJOY!

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January 20, 2004


Kristi Seanor
  Thank you so much for the suggestions. I went ahead and bought Tmax 400 and will give that a shot on Friday. Could you tell me if the flash I have (stated above) is too powerful to shoot straight on or should I bounce it? I would like to attempt manual on these photos so what would I set my flash on?

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January 20, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Yes I've heard that the TCN-400 is good if you print it on black and white paper. I've never used it though, just from somebody who has, they liked it. And it developes with the same chemicals as color print film, so you can take it to your regular one hour places.
It's not that your flash is too powerful. It's that when done right, bouncing flash looks better than straight on flash. It looks more natural, shows form better because straight on flash flattens everything. And two other things. Since black and white is loved because of the shadow/highlight contrast and showing detail/texture, the drawbacks of straight on flash are accentuated with black and white. And it can come out really looking plain.
Number two is since you'll be taking pictures of babies, their faces don't have much of a profile. Their features are shallower, so straight on flash probably won't give you the feel you want.
Like bouncing off a wall, or anything reflective and big enough, you can make it look like window light, which is always a flattering light.

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January 20, 2004


Kristi Seanor
  Thanks so much, Gregory. That helps tons as I will be attempting these shots on Friday. Thanks for responding so quickly.

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January 21, 2004


Kristi Seanor
  Wish me lots of luck... my infant photo shoot is tomorrow. I am a bit nervous but am going to just try and have fun with it. She is not expecting anything. This was all my idea to get more experience. I will most likely use my 550 ex speedlite and bounce it off the ceiling or wall.

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January 22, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  If you use auto, the flash will try an shoot with extra power to compensate. But how high the ceiling is or how far away the wall is and how reflective they are plays the biggest part. So try more than one shot at different apertures.
Good luck.

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January 22, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Don't worry about anything. Some things work, some don't.

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January 22, 2004


Kristi Seanor
  Well, I survived my infant photo shoot and out of the 24, I got 3 that I really like. A little cropping needs to take place on one of them but I think overall, the flash (bounced) did a fine job. I am very proud that I took ALL of them on MANUAL. Thanks for your help, Gregory.

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January 26, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery

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January 26, 2004

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